We Caring Your Family Health & Well Being
The Association of Public Health Officers Kenya (APHOK) is an Association established under the Societies Act Cap. 108 Laws of Kenya and draws its membership from Public Health Officers (PHOs) and Public Health Technicians (PHTs) in all the 47 counties of Kenya and Diaspora. The Association has been in existence for over 40 years championing members’ welfare and professional matters.
In accordance with Art.12(h) of APHOK Constitution (Revised 2021), we are expected to promote professional advancement among members and the diffusion of public health knowledge across all Sectors- among others, holding subject specific webinars and production of quarterly journals and newsletters.
The Association of Public Health Officers Kenya (APHOK) works closely with National and County Governments under Ministry of Health and other sister professional organizations like The Public Health and Environmental Health Practioners Union (PHEHPU), the Public Health Officers and Technician Council (PHOTC) among others and has links with public health associations worldwide being an active member of the International Federation of Public Health Association.
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